• Question: Can you list as many keywords that come up in your job commonly?

    Asked by deboraheg to Clare, Dave, Glo, Ozge, Sean on 15 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Gloeta Massie

      Gloeta Massie answered on 15 Jun 2011:

      paperwork, training, fun!, travel, toxin, venom, cephalopod, squid, octopus, tanks, deadly, food, coffee, sleep, medicine, deadlines, grants, funding, meetings, laughter, swimming, diving, snorkeling, sailing, talking, posters, reading, writing, thinking, neurons, peptides, DNA, RNA, what in the heck is that?

    • Photo: Sean Clement

      Sean Clement answered on 15 Jun 2011:

      ok. fun, amazing, marine conservation, marine protected area, funding, grants, diving, bdc, mask, fins, PIT, Fish Belt, coral reefs, Hard Coral, Soft Coral, ecological surveys, Octopus, coral bleaching, reports, journals, e-mails, deadlines, ocean acidification.

      So many more!

    • Photo: Ozge Ozkaya

      Ozge Ozkaya answered on 15 Jun 2011:

      Hmm, lab, krill, fruitfly, clock, DNA, locomotor activity, gene, paper, conference, extraction, experiment, western blot, PCR, meeting, poster, bacteria, RNA, student,

    • Photo: Dave Sproson

      Dave Sproson answered on 15 Jun 2011:

      Ocean, climate, weather, typhoon, circulation, convection, jet, wind, current, transport, energy, flux, heat, model, paper, conference, huh?, matlab, data, what?, coffee, tea, coffee, coffee, parameterization, meeting, ogive, eddy, ship, fun!

      I could go on for hours, but would probably bore both of us to death!

    • Photo: Clare Woulds

      Clare Woulds answered on 15 Jun 2011:

      sediment, ocean, fauna (that’s animals), benthic (that means things that happen on the seafloor), carbon, nitrogen, isotope, experiment, sample, analysis, isotope, cruise, project, data, funding, Arabian Sea, Southern Ocean, Chemosynthesis (there’s a challenge for you, look it up!).
