• Question: What is your favourite tentacled animal?

    Asked by nanoguy to Glo on 11 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Gloeta Massie

      Gloeta Massie answered on 11 Jun 2011:

      Oh Nanoguy – may I just say – what a truly brilliant question! And how very difficult at the same time! It’s easier to say that I’m not a big fan of the nautilus – there’s something about its 97-billion tentacles that gives me the heeby-jeebies – (just like centipedes! too many legs for my taste!). I think, as of this moment, my favorite tentacled animal would have to be the blue-ringed octopus. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Hapalochlaena_lunulata2.JPG) I saw one for the first time the other day and I was completely in AWE of how bright blue the colors were. Plus, you have to respect any animal that has a toxin which stops your breathing, but keeps your heart beating – so that you are FULLY CONSCIOUS as the paramedics arrive to take you away from the laboratory. (I’m not kidding – that’s part of the first aid awareness for working with these critters – ‘don’t say stupid stuff like, “Whoa! She’s so dead!”- the person is still conscious

      Having said that – I also love Dumbo. http://www.deepseamonsters.com/component/content/article/63-dumbo-octopus.html How can you not?
